Unique Technologies

DATABASE training

A database is an organized collection of information that enables a computer program to access desired data quickly. In other words, the information is organized in such a manner that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated.

Databases can be compared to electronic filing systems, organized by records, fields, and files. Each field contains a single piece of information; each record consists of a complete set of fields, and each file contains a collection of records.

Hypertext is another alternative concept in database design. In Hypertext database, any object, be it text or a picture, can be linked to any other object. Hypertext databases are well suited to organizing large amounts of disparate information and are not designed for analytical computations.

Data is organized into rows, columns and tables, and it is distributed to make it easier to find relevant information. This data can be updated, expanded and deleted as the new information is added. Databases process are worked to create and update themselves, querying the data they contain and running applications against it.

To access information from a Database, you need to have a Database Management System (DBMS)

A Database Management System is a collection of programs that enables you to enter, organize, and select data in a database.However, the term database is used as shorthand for database management system. There are different types of Database Management systems, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes.

Computer databases contain aggregations of data records or files like sales transactions, product catalogs and inventories, and customer profiles.

A database manager provides users with the ability to control read and write access, specify report generation and analyze usage. Some databases offer ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability) compliance to guarantee that data is consistent and that transactions are complete.



Rational database was invented by E.F. Codd in 1970 at IBM. Rational database is a tabular database where the data is defined in a way that can be reorganized and accessed different number of ways.


A distributed database is a database where portions of the database are stored in multiple physical locations, and in which processing is dispersed or replicated among different points in a network.


Cloud databases are databases that have been optimized or developed for virtualized environments. Cloud databases provide benefits such as the ability to pay for storage capacity and bandwidth on a per-use basis, and they provide scalability on demand, along with high availability


NoSQL database are used for large sets of distributed data. They are effective for big data performance issues that relational databases cannot solve. They are effective when an organization needs to analyze large chunks of data which is not structured.